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Full Version: players like d3vaLL are the reason why guns get nerfed [CS:GO] negev
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might have to attribute the possibility of pulling something like that off to the number of newcomers coming into the game.
No Recoil much, OMG LOL!
CS:GO has almost no recoil compared to source (IMO). Also, D3vall is a gppd player, and funny as hell too.. makes funny and the best part is when he begins to narrate the game. Also, check out other videos from him:



^30+ mins video. BUT WORTH TIME WATCHING IT!
Hahah...that shout video...too awesome~~
Fuzzy Izzie, post: 73448, member: 9457 Wrote:Hahah...that shout video...too awesome~~
Yeah Smile. Did you watch the linked one? If you didn't so, do it.. It's like a story. BUT HOLD YOUR TEARS HAHA