Aug 21 2012, 04:34 PM
Their views are pretty diverse. Just copied one of their opinions here.
Summary from all the players
Sounds needs improvement
They want bhopping to be reinstated
Recoil on AK needs fixing
Receiving $900 for a kill with a P90 or nova is too OP.
Need new maps
Quote:Sean "sgares" Gares
My initial thoughts were that this game needed a tremendous amount of work and that I couldn’t see myself ever playing it competitively. The movement was absolutely horrendous, the recoil was drastically worse than it is now, and the all of the nades were an abomination. I also thought that I would never be able to get used to the models and the colors of the game (I couldn't differentiate a CT from a T for WEEKS). Lately; however, I've been playing CS: GO quite a bit and I can say that my outlook has shifted tremendously from where it was when I first played in the Plantronics tournament. The developers have managed to improve, but not perfect the recoil, nades, models, maps, and movement. Obviously, I think that this game must continue to build on these improvements, but unlike the community I'm patient and have a little faith.
If I could assist the developers in making changes to the game they would be:
Audio - Even though the sound was “updated” I still can get lost when listening to people run around. Maybe someone can post or PM me a fix to this because right now I’m still having a lot of troubles. Didn’t valve say that you could make the sound the same as 1.6? Obviously the sound is significantly better than it was, but that doesn’t make it perfect.
The recoil - Prior to the last few updates I still maintained the notion that the recoil of both the AK and colt needed some work. After the last update I now think the AK is fine, but the colt should probably be a little easier to control. Due to the colt taking an extra shot to kill the opponent, no matter which area of the body you hit, it should probably have a much easier spray pattern than the AK.
One thing that I think is really weird about the recoil is the AWP. Sometimes I think my AWP has a small amount of recoil when I shoot fast, and even when you test on the wall it will still feel odd. I think the recoil on complete no scopes is too little while the recoil on quick scopes is a bit too much.
The grenades - I think what Valve did with the flashbangs is amazing. You have to know the specific places a flashbang will blind now; rather than assuming everyone is blind in the area. This, to me, increases the skill ceiling on the game and makes it feel much more like 1.6 than source. The smokes are a bit strange at the moment and I think they still need a little work. When I’m looking at, or even walking through a smoke, it’s so patchy and inconsistent. I like how the developers made the smokes less opaque but I think they need to have a method of making the outer parts more translucent rather than blotchy. Lastly, I’ve grown to enjoy molotovs and think that they can be a good addition to the game. The cost of them can cripple an inexperienced team if they buy them at inappropriate times.
Angles/movement - In CS1.6 you can change the way your model is positioned depending on which button you hit last, which many people still to this day don’t know. Most of the pro players understand that if you are holding an angle you hide your head by clicking certain keys last. In CS:GO there’s hardly any methods to control and contort the way your body is positioned. Furthermore, one foot will always land in front the other whether you are running, walking, or jumping.
As far as movement goes, I think bunny hopping needs to be implemented into the game. I’m not saying I want original moto bhopping over the cs_seige ct spawn gap jumping, but I would like to see my speed maintained for 3-4 jumps.
Unrelated to all of this, tagging needs to be implemented. I feel like right now people get away with a lot of dumb plays in CS:GO because they can get shot and just run away. If tagging was brought to the game people would be forced to take more calculated risks and wouldn’t be sitting in the center of middle on inferno awping for 30seconds.
Summary from all the players
Sounds needs improvement
They want bhopping to be reinstated
Recoil on AK needs fixing
Receiving $900 for a kill with a P90 or nova is too OP.
Need new maps