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Full Version: Voice Changer?
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Hey, guys recently I have gotten, many comments asking for a voice changer or to stfu. As being me, I don't want to talk, and when I talk annoy people. I have tried to find a voice changer but could't. Here is where you guys come in, I need your help voting whether I should, get a voice changer or not, and if the vote is yes, then please direct me to a voice changer.


Nah Don't get a voice changer. There's no reason for you to get a voicechanger I see no problem with your voice at all, If they have problems they can just mute you in Player List.
Agreed with Tina you don't need a voice changer, because you're not annoy at all. The guys that call you annoying are usually the worst, because they spam the mic a lot and you can't understand a word they say.
they shud suck it up your not annoying