Edited by our member
Dr. gkovr, Thank you so much!
Have fun!
*Ignoring haters*
Nice, can i see some pro dual elites action plz though?
Lieutenant Josh, post: 74115, member: 946 Wrote:Nice, can i see some pro dual elites action plz though?
No. lol! Well, I dont really use dualies, except to piss people when doing captains, otherwise deagle all the way

Alicia Melchiott, post: 74112, member: 6952 Wrote:awesome

music is shit... nice try though.
Great music, Great Clips, Great Quality, and Great Editing!
10/10 totally would watch
gj DK.
this is probably the best Montage for CSS on youtube ive ever seen so far.
Haha, thanks bro

Liked the music and clips, seemed over edited to me though.
Eternal, post: 74141, member: 478 Wrote:Liked the music and clips, seemed over edited to me though.
Another friend thought the same thing, but it's a bit hard to make something that pleases everyone. But thanks for letting me know