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Full Version: Hello to all from Death™
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Heyo Everybody,

My names Tobin, I live in Canada, some of you guys might remember me from a while back ago when I used to go under Tobin Frost. I've been an avid CS player ever since 1.6 was introduced at a little computer arcade lab beside my old apartment, and now I play CS:S whenever school and work allow me to. I'm not exactly any good at CS:S, but I do have my moments. So...that's about it.

Hope to reap you on the battlefield,
Welcome to the forums Death! you play Battlefield for PC? because I play it alot! Cant wait till armored kill Smile.
I did, but EA banned my account for losing connection mid-game (Counts as hax?)
I'm going to start playing again soon, and I too am absolutely waiting for Armored kill and CQC packs Smile