today is my first day of classes... 3h of calculus, 2h of physics and an hour of biology. No breaks from 9:35 to 3:25 except for one 30 min break T_T... no lunch I guess
what about you guys ?
I've got classes Tuedays and Thursday's.
Tuesday's are discreet mathematics and Tech/Environment until 5pm with a 2 hour break in betwee.
Thursday's.....Calculus, discreet math, rech/enviro until 10:00pm with only 2, 1 hour breaks.
No more classes, until I go to Law School -.-.
Lol, if I was still in college, we don't start for like 3 weeks.

First day of classes today, just got back from my 8 am one T_T
Have two classes later back to back from 4:20-5:30 and 5:30-6:50 pm.
I am a child so I'm still in high school but here are my classes lol..
IB American History
AP English
AP Physics
IB Spanish 6
Study hall
Senior in high school.
with the basic classes..... english algebra etc.... lol
i got some pretty intense, academic stuff.
Chem 12
Physics 11
Programming 12
Socials 11
Math 12
I loved Programming 12. That was one of the only CSE/CSC courses that was an actual challenge for me.
today went better than expected, two of my teachers didnt show up to class and a group of people and i ended up rolling fat doobies and smoking on campus like bosses. On the downside, we have a pop pre-calculus 2 hour test tomorrow morning... fuuu
I am still on vacation, but my new semester will begin next week.