Hi, im quite new to WarLords site and i promise not be any trouble what-so-ever. Can you men and women of WarLords teach me a few things like do's and dont's and some tips to do while i get into your world? I would appreciate it!
[I have many patchouli knowledge signatuers. always find a purple girl to find me XD]
Don't ask anyone not to do something when playing :p Just wondering are you fairly new to CS:S itself or just wL. If just wL then settle in, get used to the people and have some fun times. It used to be a very active community so maybe you could help bringing it back! Apply for a group if you want, and maybe get some new friends! See you around.
P.S. What kind of servers do you play on?
Gonffs, post: 76109, member: 11307 Wrote:Don't ask anyone not to do something when playing :p Just wondering are you fairly new to CS:S itself or just wL. If just wL then settle in, get used to the people and have some fun times. It used to be a very active community so maybe you could help bringing it back!
I can do that
and im old in css, too old if you ask me.
What about the servers?
Double post
Edited my post a bit trying to do so before you saw
Gonffs, post: 76111, member: 11307 Wrote::p What about the servers?
Double post
Edited my post a bit trying to do so before you saw :p
since i think... April, 2012. Warlords is awesome and i love it!
wish the trolls would leave us alone though, anyway goodnight
Well good to see a new person.
uh, oh... fuzzy bear...
ok, jk jk
anyways, welcome, and enjoy your stay!
war lords guarantee 100% pure fun when you are playing!
especially Minigames Deathrun!!!!!!
oh, jk jk haha
Double post
anyways, i look forward to playing with you,
and enjoy your stay!
ill see you around!
Here's a tip: you should make George a sandwich. I know from good authority the community appreciates this.
Hey Sako, welcome to the forums
As of now, its a sausagefest and you're the only active lady on the forums. There used to be Violentlove, GnarCandy, Tiffany, Nada... but 3 of them disappeared and the last one disappointed everyone by being a guy.
If you're into signature, you can visit the Graphics thread where most customized signatures are shared.
Meantime, browse around and check out anything thing interesting you like. Have fun.