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Full Version: Worst(and Funniest) Death Scene EVER!!!!!!!!!
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Hilarious. I thought it was a Mr Bean episode.
Hahaha that was funny
LOL that was way to funny.
that's 30 seconds of my life that ill never get back.
There's no way that's a real movie scene. If it is: unreal.
I love the part where she shot him and he was on the bed then he was standing up and breaking a packet of fake blood.
Fantastic how those gunshot wounds + the blood appear 10secs after getting shot!

How about some CSI now?
- Is it just me or do I only see 3 wounds for 5 shots?
- 0:43 Only 1 gunshot and 2 wounds?!?!
- 0:52 He shoots his own foot?!?!

Oh damn, I wasted like 5min of my time on this :confused:!
I believed every second of it. :oops: