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Full Version: Happy Halloween!!!!!!
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title says all, not the date yet : )
Happy Pig out on candy and get sick afterwards day ppl. Lol Wait i do that every week, just not the sick part.
so what's the significance of halloween?
I was a bit surprised when I saw the title.
because minecraft 1.4 will be released before Halloween they said.
but yeah, what do you usually do on Halloween day?
I thought of going into a like a boss parody of what i was gonna say but screw it.

Eat candy, scare people, eat more candy, trade, poison other candy, kill some people. and carve into pepos. Guess what that word means in latin.
i stay home and play games.
I'll wear cosplays and go ask for candy(maybe)
Spartacus, post: 77174, member: 1060 Wrote:so what's the significance of halloween?
Basically just a mixture of random celebrations from all around the world, with heavy religious influences. But now people just make their houses scary and give out candy lol Big Grin
cosMo, post: 77234, member: 13270 Wrote:I'll wear cosplays and go ask for candy(maybe)
Wait you go outside.
I don't celebrate the day. Actually, We.