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[SIZE=12px]today When I touched my computer case I felt static electricity. Is it possible to damage anything inside the case if I got a static shock from touching my case? Even though everything is working fine i feel uneasy. What can be damaged if I get a static shock from my case (outside of the computer)? I always get one when i touch my case. My computer sits on a piece of wood. How can i prevent it? Plz answer[/SIZE]
I used to get those shock when I had this desktop back in 2005.. never happened to it, and my grandma said that it is still working fine LOL
that's why you're supposed to wear an anti-static bracelet or put the computer up against a large metal object when you open it up and dig around.
Is your desktop placed in a 'cold environment'? like an air-conditioned room? just guessing.
My computer is in air conditioned room. But isn't a computer grounded on a piece of wood?