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Full Version: Cactus Farm. Building In Progress
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In coscommunity mc server
[Image: u96e3jvqbzqgizoaex3.jpg]
I need some helps lol. This is all by myself. The picture i was made of hatsune miku was someone standing away from me and he told me what to put.
I'll get headache, dizzy and fainted if i do this.
no one is helping me but look at this
[Image: q5hm4zd749izkf28prte.jpg]
It was destroyed in the update slightly. If you would like me to relocate and section off a large area for you feel free to ask. I know a few things went missing. Give me a list and I will see what I can do.
Don't worry, I downloaded the map for single player. I didn't feel sad about that ;D
Alright lol.
James, I would like to have "power" to make the world look better like other servers do. would you give me "powers"?

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kinda don't like the structure of the cactus farm that i made in the server. I have the map. will you use for the server?

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Like omg my 5 hours work got destroyed : (
I'll help.