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Full Version: Disney buys LucasFilms $4 Billion
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Yup... you read it!

Star Wars is now part of Disney, and new movies will be released as early as 2015. Script for the 7th Episode of Star Wars is in writing already at Disney.

Let us hope they can do a better job than Georgie himself!

Hey, for any geek like myself out there...any new Star Wars movie is a win in some way! Now where did I put my deagle...


George You're PATHETIC!!

7th Star Wars movie, yeah i can't wait to watch Han Solo's and Leia's Kid go do a Anakin Skywalker number 2 on all of us, Jaden Solo i think, oh and theres magically another sith lord, Palpatine had a brother i guess. Thats the only thing i can think of number 7 being about, not like there isn't shit ton of Star Wars books out there already.
They should have been smart enough to figure to leave that era alone. I would have approached this using the The old republic universe of Star Wars. Story wise it has more potential, and it makes more sense. Epic Empire vs Republic battle, and they would have promoted The Old Republic MMO game at the same time, which is part of the franchise!

Smart people they are not... thinking they should...
That's it! No one can kill or to be killed.

[Image: e6800_ORIG-bear_how_about_no_wj9.jpg]
I mean they say 7th Movie, Not -1st Movie, the pre-phantom menace era movie thing lol.
Disney buys LucasFilms $4 Billion and I run out of smokes for tonight...

Wtf, I need to go to a gas station asap....
whole star wars plot was lame.

people only liked it because of the pew pews.

Hope disney can make a nice script out of it.