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HIIIII guys, i have been playing bf3 since 2 months ago and i got hooked onto it!!!
but since im a loner, and nobody around me has bf3 for pc, (because they are white people who play on console XD)
i play alone... haha
but still pretty fun stuff, blowing up tanks with my troll-C4.
so... if anyone has BF3 copy for PC, whether Premium or not,
give me your Battlelog name!!!
and we will play together!!!
maybe even go in teamspeak/mumble and chat with you as well!!! Big Grin
Get me BF3 ANYONE?
DK, post: 79052, member: 3039 Wrote:Get me BF3 ANYONE?
XD its only 60 dollars with premium, i think it is worth it to get it since there are 2(?) 3(?) more DLC's coming out until next year.
so... buy it on your own XD
They were selling it for $10 the other day.
It's $39.99 normally, $59.99 with Premium(bullshit for those of us who bought the game a year ago). I do have it for PC, but my computer sucks and I'm to lazy to upgrade anything on it.
My friend is pestering me to buy it since he succeeded in making me get left 4 dead 2 now hes planning to make me get the game but honestly, im too busy right now i might get it for christmas.
Its bs.. I had to pay so much for this game lol and now its 59.99 with premium Great game alot of badmins
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