Due to popular demand I have decided to change Pop Maps #1 into a low ping server. I'm sure some of you have noticed that the player count on this server has been low lately and a lot of people have been asking for this so I thought it was time to do something different on it.
The player ping limit will be roughly around 150ms due to the way the plugin works.
As this is a pretty big change in the way War-Lords usually is being a international community allowing everyone, I'm pretty interested to see how this goes.
I'm sure there's going to be people that won't like this, but since the server was basically unplayed anyway I don't see this affecting our international player base in a negative way. This WON'T be done on any of our other existing servers so you can stop worrying now.
Good Guy Matt.
Creates a plugin which would kick himself so that others low pings player can whine less.
I don't think it would concern the majority anyway. Everyone knows pop maps #2 is where the cool kids hang out.
Spartacus, post: 81125, member: 1060 Wrote:Good Guy Matt.
Creates a plugin which would kick himself so that others low pings player can whine less.
I don't think it would concern the majority anyway. Everyone knows pop maps #2 is where the cool/500 pingers kids hang out.
Also, Thanks Matt!
What did happen to that server? there are lots of people in popular maps 2 but not in 1..there used to be alot of them...its now a lonely server...
If you really want to do something matt could you please disable the usage of radio commands in the dm. Its really fucking annoying to hear enemy spotted, and gogogo and affirmative and roger that etc etc, every fucking 10 seconds!! People just want to have a quiet dm where nobody talks(literaly nobody really does) and shoot people, without the radio commands every 10 seconds by immature retards! The majority of players dont use the radio commands, so taking it away wouldn't really effect them IMO, and personally the server is greatly enjoyable when nobody is talking at all(including me), and i'd say just to basically to make that a better experience, make it so that people don't gotta hear annoying radio commands every 10 seconds on occasion.
Also, i doubt ping limiting will do anything to the popular maps 1 as its just unplayed, though oddly more stable than the popular maps 2.
Matt, post: 81123, member: 178 Wrote:Due to popular demand I have decided to change Pop Maps #1 into a low ping server. I'm sure some of you have noticed that the player count on this server has been low lately and a lot of people have been asking for this so I thought it was time to do something different on it.
The player ping limit will be roughly around 150ms due to the way the plugin works.
As this is a pretty big change in the way War-Lords usually is being a international community allowing everyone, I'm pretty interested to see how this goes.
I'm sure there's going to be people that won't like this, but since the server was basically unplayed anyway I don't see this affecting our international player base in a negative way. This WON'T be done on any of our other existing servers so you can stop worrying now.
Unfortunately you are wrong dude..:oops:
Everyday i play pop 1 server
The maximum players are around 8 - 10...:p
Your stupid ping limit will enable less players from coming because i play with players like 300 - 500 ping regularly
Also this server is so less common rather than pop 2
I would suggest to let the server as it was long ago..:mad:
Finally your lazy admins would even get kicked if they enter this server since their ping is over 150...

Raptor@, post: 81149, member: 1612 Wrote:Unfortunately you are wrong dude..:oops:
Everyday i play pop 1 server
The maximum players are around 8 - 10...:p
Your stupid ping limit will enable less players from coming because i play with players like 300 - 500 ping regularly
Also this server is so less common rather than pop 2
I would suggest to let the server as it was long ago..:mad:
Finally your lazy admins would even get kicked if they enter this server since their ping is over 150...
just let you know something. Seems like you never heard of "Immunity". Admins have immunity such as, cant be votebanned, kicked etc.. Of course they also have immunity/access to the server if Roots add them to the plugin. Example, Matt is from Australia and Yesterday he was there, weird? No, immunity.
Lieutenant Josh, post: 81146, member: 946 Wrote:If you really want to do something matt could you please disable the usage of radio commands in the dm. Its really fucking annoying to hear enemy spotted, and gogogo and affirmative and roger that etc etc, every fucking 10 seconds!!
Type "ignorerad" in console at the start of every map and voila
Thank you for your continued effort to improve our servers Matt.
Well, I joined the server and were some 150+ (200+ to be more exact) on the server. I'll upload pictures later. Please make the plugin work!