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Full Version: 2012 Something is going on.
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We destroyed earth, I think this is the least nature should do. No much time left to repent or make things right, we lost the opportunity. Time to wait for death.


In addition, Sandy:


first video says a lot. I'll cya all on the other sider
The world ending at 2012 rumors originated from the Mayan calender which ends after 5,125 years which ends at December 21, 2012. Then rumors started to spread about the world end on 2012 on the internet, TV, etc. There are even rumors that aliens will come to earth lol you shouldnt believe all this there is no such thing as a planet that will hit the earth and stuff. I'm sure that on christmas you will post another thread about steam discount
To hell with the other side! Let us pull a Fallout 3 / Mad Max world!
cucubelu, post: 81426, member: 15378 Wrote:To hell with the other side! Let us pull a Fallout 3 / Mad Max world!
Quick to the vault!