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Full Version: Unknown ZE server?
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So, I was checking sourcebans and I found this:

[SIZE=10px](wL) ZombieEscape :: WAR-LORDS.NET 0/60 ze_predator_ultimate_v3[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10px][SIZE=12px]No players in the server[/SIZE][/SIZE]
[SIZE=10px]IP: Port - [/SIZE]

How long is it up and running?
What ZE server. I think you imagined it myself.
Matt, post: 81579, member: 178 Wrote:What ZE server. I think you imagined it myself.
He can't imagine something yourself. Pretty awkward mindcrack.
but well, that server existed, I think for testing, but that was in 2011. The planned zombie escape server doesn't have a testing server with that name.
Matt, post: 81579, member: 178 Wrote:What ZE server. I think you imagined it myself.
Sir, I are no crazie!

[Image: 65065980.png]
DK, post: 81578, member: 3039 Wrote:How long is it up and running?

There's a password on it. Admins-only. Wink
Drunk why don't you put your snooping skills to good use..

Find out who really killed JFK or something.
Spartacus, post: 81594, member: 1060 Wrote:Drunk why don't you put your snooping skills to good use..

Find out who really killed JFK or something.

DK, post: 81596, member: 3039 Wrote:[video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=paw_2EJBzFs[/video]
Best movie