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Full Version: List of Donors
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i'd like to donate, i love these servers and the people in them.

only problem is, i pay in cold hard american cash, not filthy commie euros.

how do i donate?
damon Wrote:i'd like to donate, i love these servers and the people in them.

only problem is, i pay in cold hard american cash, not filthy commie euros.

how do i donate?

Thanks for taking interest in our servers Big Grin Send M. Bison a pm if you want to donate  Smile
PM sent.

I shall await the general's response.
I donated... Bison, where are my naked pictures.
Huh, what, no pictures for you!
You lied to Meee! =( I wan't my pictures!
nou all lies, lies, lies!
Thanks Shagmeister for the donation.
thinking of Donate $100 bucks Tongue
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