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I'm about to waste up to $1400 on asus transformer book when it's released. It's not for gaming, for business stuff.

DK, post: 82986, member: 3039 Wrote:$1000 in a high-end restaurant will get half cup of water.

Well, talking about games, I would have all steam games + the best shooting games out there.
I find this funny how reasonable people who earn money just talk about high end restaurants where you spend around $300-400 to have a dinner with your girlfriend or wife, and some teenager with his five cents saying that "high end" restaurants is where you can buy half a glass of water for a 1000 and suggests to buy some video games instead. There are restaurants where you can dine for 10k and more, but those are not your typical high end restaurants, probably more like for celebrities and milliners. Also I want to add, it will take a big effort to find one of those, because there aren't so many of them, even in LA, most of them are included in some expensive 40-50k one week long resort programs.

Now you can go for video games with your non gaming related $1000 budget.
$300-$400 for 2 people at a nicer restaurant is about right. Been thinking about dining at the French Laundry for a while now.
Dr. Ruplayer, post: 83025, member: 9168 Wrote:I'm about to waste up to $1400 on asus transformer book when it's released. It's not for gaming, for business stuff.

I find this funny how reasonable people who earn money just talk about high end restaurants where you spend around $300-400 to have a dinner with your girlfriend or wife, and some teenager with his five cents saying that "high end" restaurants is where you can buy half a glass of water for a 1000 and suggests to buy some video games instead. There are restaurants where you can dine for 10k and more, but those are not your typical high end restaurants, probably more like for celebrities and milliners. Also I want to add, it will take a big effort to find one of those, because there aren't so many of them, even in LA, most of them are included in some expensive 40-50k one week long resort programs.

Now you can go for video games with your non gaming related $1000 budget.

Well, I don't feel the quality of the food becomes any higher after the $300-400.
Take Joel Robuchon restaraunt in Las Vegas, where the people that invited me paid for 4 people almost 11 grand, for two bottle of red, and 3 course. I found the food, to be great, but I wouldn't say its something that is worth the money. So when people go to these high ends, they just pay for the name of the restaurant more than the food. High good quality cooking is I have found $300-400, and then it kinda stagnates in regards to quality above and beyond, but you do make a good point.

Heck I am no food critique, but I do love me food. Skinny bastard as I am need to grow!

Edit: One thing I have to say about the Joel Robuchon is the best god damn mashed potatoes I have ever had...
We went to Maggiano's Little Italy a week ago, in Grove, it was only $100 for two of us and I liked the food and drinks, my wife loved their staffed mushrooms.
a hooker.
henry, post: 83072, member: 395 Wrote:a hooker.
Best suggestion Tongue
with 1000$ I would sell my amp for 400$ and spend all of it on a new amp, a half stack.

Otherwise, i'd get myself a nice camera, or some recording gear.
Customize my bike :O ! settle down some debts, get my ass on a hammock at the beach.....
i would like to buy 50 lava lamps...
those things are awesome...
Put it in the bank for collage.
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