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i recently started becoming active amongst the css community and i play on your server alot. I would like to ask how i would be able to become a admin if
thats even possible. I dont mind donating to the server cost because i know every little helps. Let me know watsup i dont know who i should talk to.
The donating thing doesn't apply anymore. M. Bison (the head admin) will ask and pick you to become admin when he wants to. lol
talk to bisonf or matt there the head admins
Also you only played for 19 hours. (:

Put lots more time into the server.
okay......i was just asking you know....n i din mean for it to sound like a bribe lol i just mentioned i would donate if i had too u know...i will talk to bison thanks guys
idk not very long ago. lol

TraUma Wrote:okay......i was just asking you know....n i din mean for it to sound like a bribe lol i just mentioned i would donate if i had too u know...i will talk to bison thanks guys

Lol ya no problem. Here is M. Bison's page. just send him a PM

cleaned the thread of xFerior & PaSS's lovers' quarrel.
That's more insulting then a poke. lol
lol bummer he cleaned our posts lol owell
I know haha
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