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Full Version: BadMouth Razer.
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Got somthing to say to me? Say it here. Then you dont have to spam my introduction!
But first

You trying to be new the spammer? Well, let me tell you something... NO-ONE CAN BEAT ME, FUCKER. I'M THE ONLY SPAMMER HERE.

You're a fucking queef which I would love to make love too.
why i think you act the way you do right now.

[Image: kpTDIok.jpg]
[Image: Dear-Diary-Today-OP-was-a-faggot.jpg]
Razer exposes my bearbots. That's why I've had to run and hibernate for so long.
But I'm back now, with both the chicken cavalry and bears-with-guns!
And Razer, we'z coming for you.
Izzie puttin' it down.
i'm tempted to lock this...but that would actually make it look like i'm doing something here.
[Image: AH_000621_565910.jpg]
[DRFT] Razer Skillz, post: 84788, member: 16616 Wrote:Got somthing to say to me? Say it here. Then you dont have to spam my introduction!
But first


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