I have a question: On CSS what would an average hacker be doing or look like? If anyone could provide one of those demo things to show me I can start being on the look about it. I dont wanna blame people who I think are hacking but really have the skills, you know?
Shaky aim, instantly going from one target to the next, no recoil, speed. Wall hackers are the more harder ones to catch, it can be nearly impossible to catch a good wall hacker since they refine it down to an art. They don't make the mistakes of instantly going for hiding players, shooting through wooden doors or pre-firing before you even see them.
I don't ban for wallhacks unless it's really obvious. A lot of people are in clans too so they are probably in vent or teamspeak together telling each other where people are. I really only get suspicious when they shoot people through stuff with no previous knowledge of the person being there.
As for the other hacks
Aimbot- In first person spectator you could see a few different things for aimbot. You could see when they are firing, their aimer goes all crazy and and shakey and kills lots of people with hs. Another one is a lock on type which instantly locks on to someones head pretty much at the same exact time they start firing and will usually alternate between enemies if they click multiple times. Third more obvious is the spinbot, in spectator the screen will usually be upsidedown and will look much like the first type when they fire. Also, for the last one if you are looking at them in third person, they typically are staring at the ground and quickly spinning in different directions.
No recoil- No recoil typically looks like the crosshair drops rapidly and then returns to the original position after every shot. You have to remember when watching that legit people will pull down on their mouse when firing in bursts. So make sure that the crosshair is popping downward after every shot rather than pulling down smoothly during a burst.
Speed- Well, they run really fast. Lot of laggy people on the servers so don't be mistaken about that.
You also have to remember that anti-recoil cheats are also affiliated with anti-spread. So usually those hacks make the crosshair move around like crazy, too fast for a human to do (unless ur having a siezure. lol). I suggest you download some of the demos posted in the Protests section. Just paste the demo file in your cstrike folder, and open the console and type playdemo demonamehere . I highly recommend taking a look at the demos of Gt-R and WhuulFiine.
very intersting i leared something ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
some times yes some times not so much
in what cases is it bad? teaching a 4 year old about... adult things?
goodness, you guys spam every topic with one word comments. :

Wallhacks are definately the hardest to catch, you also have to be aware of what the player can hear. there hasnt been a single session where someone hasnt accused me of wallhacks, but there also isnt a single session where im not using headphones. If anyones ever running near me ill know where they are. u can usually catch wallhackers cause they either preaim, or dont check common spots when no one is there but happen to check them when they are. also if anyones ever hacking, 99% of the time they also have wallhack.