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I must applaud him for using the right channels to vent his hormonal rage.
Can't wait till Anubis reads this

*paging Anubis*
please take ban away i really want play on wl I NEVER CHEAT
"Only complain about something if it is more annoying and uncomfortable than you yourself"
- Yuuki の 話 -
I've read a few sentences, I got the gist of it.

Hehe, trolling one of the root admins of the community, good job. :p
Is that supposed to be a request for spray privileges back, or a royal invitation in bold for "Plz ban me?"
Trying to read the misspelled message of the original post, I found after the 52nd grammatical and spelling error that I was going cross eyed. I switched to Google Translator and set the language to "Retard" with a dialect of "Reject Nerd Rager". Google told me that he has daddy issues and is generally rejected, by and large, by most peers of his age group. Noticing that I had checked the "Guidance Counselor" box, I removed said check from the box. The translated message then read, "I don't like Anubis. He's a meany."
I don't like Anubis, he is a meany.
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