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Full Version: steam friends list deleted
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so.. my steam friends list was just randomly deleted for some reason. I logged in today and all my steam friends were gone.

so for those who had me on their steam friends list before, feel free to add me again: http://steamcommunity.com/id/agentmahone/
This is an indication that your account was stolen. Make sure Steam Guard is enabled and change your email and/or pass.
M. Bison, post: 86807, member: 359 Wrote:This is an indication that your account was stolen. Make sure Steam Guard is enabled and change your email and/or pass.
I really hope it isn't

I googled this steam friends thing and apparently it's happened before to lots of people due to steam moving servers or something like that, but as far as I'm aware steam isn't doing anything like that at the moment.
Happened to me a few months back. Don't think it was stolen but I did change my info just in case. Wack!
This happened to me too i didnt log on for a like 2 months and when i came back alot of people on my list were deleted
Same here!
