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Denied Un-Ban appeal - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Un-Ban appeal (/thread-11587.html)

Pages: 1 2

RE: Un-Ban appeal [REJECTED] - Shibnath - Sep 03 2013

i am new at this game.... you can see it from my WL profile..... you can also check the total time i've played in WL.... as i'm new and i have seen some videos of binding key for buying some weapons..... so i got interested and asked a friend about this.... he told me how to bind key..... i've applied and banned... i'm absolutely clueless.... if u think i'm lying then i've nothing to say.... i can't buy another version of css.... THANK YOU.....

RE: Un-Ban appeal [REJECTED] - Donut - Sep 03 2013

Shibnath, post: 101334, member: 17417 Wrote:i am new at this game.... you can see it from my WL profile..... you can also check the total time i've played in WL.... as i'm new and i have seen some videos of binding key for buying some weapons..... so i got interested and asked a friend about this.... he told me how to bind key..... i've applied and banned... i'm absolutely clueless.... if u think i'm lying then i've nothing to say.... i can't buy another version of css.... THANK YOU.....
Srsly why dafuq are you typing like this? Both you and shokk. =/

RE: Un-Ban appeal [REJECTED] - lin3ar - Sep 03 2013


You are clearly lying. As stated, binding keys doesn't trigger this type of ban.