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Denied smac eys test violation banned. help plz:)) - Printable Version

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RE: smac eys test violation banned. help plz:)) - syndicate - Feb 23 2016

(Feb 22 2016, 09:50 PM)FenKeN Wrote:
(Feb 14 2016, 10:23 AM)syndicate Wrote: when un-baned. i was gonna few weeks later. [ RISER: The ban was a cheating ban, unlikely to be a false positive ]
this mean never playing here. rights? or other mean. i keep that mind when banned to here.
i wanna exactly answer about. un-banned or always banned. so i will choice that thing.

Permanently banned.

why am i Permanently banned? it from rage word? just joke for my friends. i will remind to this. said many time here.
give me funny time one more here. i wanna don't lost.

RE: smac eys test violation banned. help plz:)) - Riser - Mar 03 2016

The ban will not be removed.

The only way to play on our servers again is to rebuy CSS on a new account.