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Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - Printable Version

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RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - FenKeN - Sep 11 2011

[Image: 09251D819254E4DBA8F7169BFE72C9830572B7D8]

This crosshair is awesome. Been using this crosshair for like a few days now and it improves my accuracy when I'm spraying.

cl_crosshairsize 1
cl_crosshaircolor_b 255
cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
cl_crosshaircolor_r 153
cl_crosshairthickness 5
cl_crosshairscale 5000
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshairalpha 190

If it gives you a small crosshair when you're in game, type in "cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 0".

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - The Rival - Sep 11 2011

That's a pretty nuts little crosshair you have there! Interesting how it's taken shape like that. Thanks for submitting Smile

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - BaNaNaMaN - Sep 12 2011

.FaCeTiOuS , sent me the files and i didn't like it much , maybe use it when i get very annoyed by the "NO REG"

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - The Rival - Sep 12 2011

BaNaNaMaN Wrote:.FaCeTiOuS , sent me the files and i didn't like it much , maybe use it when i get very annoyed by the "NO REG"

Yeah we are talking about this on Steam right now lol. Should have it all good for you man Smile

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - -VeeL.xyLoneZ` - Sep 12 2011

maybe u could add clear at the end of the command, and actually put the console msg at the bottom, so when u start the game it'll only show the console msg..
anyway, gj on this script...
maybe u could teach other ppl about what alias do, and how it works...
and maybe some of them doesnt even know how to use "bind" command...

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - The Rival - Sep 12 2011

-VeeL.xyLoneZ` Wrote:maybe u could add clear at the end of the command, and actually put the console msg at the bottom, so when u start the game it'll only show the console msg..
anyway, gj on this script...
maybe u could teach other ppl about what alias do, and how it works...
and maybe some of them doesnt even know how to use "bind" command...

Good suggestions! I'll be doing more in depth stuff, but I am currently working on a few bits at the moment to do with each aspect behind using autoexec.cfg. I can go in depth on the parts of the script, talking about stuff like incrementvar and BindToggle as well Smile

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - -VeeL.xyLoneZ` - Sep 12 2011

i know a bit about increment thing from java... its like next time u run it it would increment by 1 from the prev value right?
dunno if i can be of any help, but ill help if i can tho Big Grin

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - Riser - Sep 12 2011

fenken Wrote:<snip>

This crosshair is awesome. Been using this crosshair for like a few days now and it improves my accuracy when I'm spraying.

cl_crosshairsize 1
cl_crosshaircolor_b 255
cl_crosshaircolor_g 0
cl_crosshaircolor_r 153
cl_crosshairthickness 5
cl_crosshairscale 5000
cl_crosshaircolor 5
cl_crosshairalpha 190

If it gives you a small crosshair when you're in game, type in "cl_legacy_crosshair_scale 0".

I used to use that crosshair some time back. Its super hard to aim at long distance target, am I the only one?

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - Dre@m$ - Sep 12 2011

//Console Message
echo Welcome %username%
echo the time is %time% the date is %date%
echo byBig Grinreams at war-lords.net

EDIT : I cut the post down, as only this was the thing that you needed to post - Rival

RE: Make The Most Of Autoexec.cfg - -[ex]iSpy- - Sep 12 2011

pm me for my best cfg Smile

if i see rival scored 10-0  ill use his.. Smile