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Who is that chicken ?? - Printable Version

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RE: Who is that chicken ?? - Riser - Sep 23 2012

Honestly, I wouldn't accept the knife challenge either. Considering you're ping masking, I would assume you have a high ping. I'd rather AWP it out than knifing it out, less chances of getting lerped harder. Also, to note, it is a sniper server.. I don't see why that plugin is even installed on it. The main reason why it was installed on 24/7 and the rotation server was to prevent rounds lasting forever in 1 v 1 situations.

These are the right rates in case you wanna change them:
cl_cmdrate 66; cl_updaterate 66; rate 30000; cl_interp 0.0333; cl_interp_ratio 1

RE: Who is that chicken ?? - Raptor@ - Sep 23 2012

DK, post: 75850, member: 3039 Wrote:Sike Smile. I just know that I made you mad for some minutes hahah :p

Even in crazy 2007 you couldn't hit anyone.. lol

Dont click here!

Either here!

Your GUI is so badddd...Sad
Look at mine....:'(    

Double post

Riser, post: 75854, member: 992 Wrote:Honestly, I wouldn't accept the knife challenge either. Considering you're ping masking, I would assume you have a high ping. I'd rather AWP it out than knifing it out, less chances of getting lerped harder. Also, to note, it is a sniper server.. I don't see why that plugin is even installed on it. The main reason why it was installed on 24/7 and the rotation server was to prevent rounds lasting forever in 1 v 1 situations.

These are the right rates in case you wanna change them:
cl_cmdrate 66; cl_updaterate 66; rate 30000; cl_interp 0.0333; cl_interp_ratio 1

Pussy has always an answer...
I forgot to mention my ping is 300 - 400...
Cheer up

Double post


RE: Who is that chicken ?? - Assassin - Sep 23 2012

silly doesnt knife at all except when me and him in a 1vs1 situation we knife, hes he has it set from the kmenu (not sure if thats it). Also if someone refuses to knife it out doesnt mean hes a coward hes simply choosing what would be better for himself.

RE: Who is that chicken ?? - George Of The Jungle - Sep 23 2012

Is this the Raptor who always camps and hangs back because he's afraid to get shot? Smile

RE: Who is that chicken ?? - Raptor@ - Sep 23 2012

George Of The Jungle, post: 75859, member: 3094 Wrote:Is this the Raptor who always camps and hangs back because he's afraid to get shot? Smile

Have a seat.....:/

Double post

Assassin, post: 75858, member: 2398 Wrote:silly doesnt knife at all except when me and him in a 1vs1 situation we knife, hes he has it set from the kmenu (not sure if thats it). Also if someone refuses to knife it out doesnt mean hes a coward hes simply choosing what would be better for himself.

I don't know why people are afraid to knife when they have better internet and being more skillful...

RE: Who is that chicken ?? - i cri everytiem - Sep 23 2012

Raptor, you killed me.. I owned you Tongue