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Denied T ¹°°° for admin - Printable Version

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Pages: 1 2

RE: T ¹°°° for admin [REJECTED] - Shokkk - Jan 25 2013


RE: T ¹°°° for admin [REJECTED] - cucubelu - Jan 26 2013

Good luck!
Was nice playing with you today, and if you get a chance increase the volume output of your mic. Couldn't hear you very well! Smile

RE: T ¹°°° for admin [REJECTED] - brent - Jan 29 2013

It was nice playing with you too! I look forward to more good times and yes i will absolutely turn it upSmile thanks for letting me know

Double post

wooo I have been putting a lot of time into the office server..almost 10 hours in 2 days

RE: T ¹°°° for admin [REJECTED] - Fuzzy Izzie - Jan 30 2013

brent, post: 84578, member: 16628 Wrote:... Especially when players denye it but they have a ridiculous score and when I spec them it appears obvious that they know exactly where everyone is...
I'm curious, but was this referring to incidents on war-lords or other servers?

RE: T ¹°°° for admin [REJECTED] - M. Bison - Jan 30 2013

Your app has been denied. Additionally, you have been silenced for misleading players and advertising 3rd party servers.