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Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - Printable Version

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RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - 360Oreo - Jan 04 2012

BaNaNaMaN Wrote:I just hate people who say no when they can't bhop besides Ptk. To be honest, I can actually sort of bhop in all the wL servers but I just don't gain speed. I think that should be enough because it will be a pain on the neck if bhop was enabled. Though sniper and mg server should be enabled. I don't really mind whether it's off or on but as long as I can do continuous jumps and people can't hit me, then I'm fine with it. By the way, any of you guys know Lamb? He can actually bhop on the servers and gain enough speed, he even showed me..
Show me sometime.

RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - silly - Jan 05 2012

pTK Wrote:Bhop is required for many minigame maps.

pTK Wrote:And It adds something to snipers. Most snipers Are quite good at bhopping and without it the server would lose players.  Those who bitch about it can't do it.
Didn't realise that it was enabled, but I don't like that. Why should the sniper server be an exception?

pTK Wrote:@Joker, True it was never supposed to be part of the game and was an unfortunate outcome,  BUT it has since become part of the game and has become something entrenched in the roots of any vet cs player.
I'm a vet cs player, and I like bhopping in minigames and bhop servers, but I don't like it in normal servers.

pTK Wrote:@Drunken, Dumbass comments like,  "lets play the game like reality.."    I really shouldn't have to say anything for you to realize the folly in that sentence but I guess I will incase anyone doesn't see it.
I agree with drunk.

pTK Wrote:On the issue of CSS being realistic
1- Its a game
2- Its CSS
Isn't evidence for why drunk's comment was foolish.

pTK Wrote:Now let me break that down for those who still don't get it.

1- Crosshairs, More than 1 life. Health Points, strafing ect.
It simply isn't feasible or convenient to not include those sorts of things in the game. Many fps games do attempt to get as close as they can (to real life) without damaging the gameplay, and in my view css is one of them. 

pTK Wrote:Css wasn't trying to be REALISTIC. It was an attempt to expand the highly succesful Half-Life MOD Counter-Strike and turn it into a high market seller.
IMO, it was an attempt to upgrade the graphics and physics of the original by making them more realistic, in order to create a high market seller.

pTK Wrote:If you want realistic you are playing the wrong game. CSS isn't a new game. Stop thinking that just because you started playing it recently means so. It's a classic with rules and traditions that are entrenched in players blood as it raised and shaped many of todays older gamers. 
Agreed, but relative to the other games that were available when it was first created, I think that it was comparatively realistic.

pTK Wrote:You speak blasphemy every time you speak against CS or its affiliates.
Haha ;D

BaNaNaMaN Wrote:By the way, any of you guys know Lamb? He can actually bhop on the servers and gain enough speed, he even showed me..
Do you mean lamB, the aussie guy?

RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - joker8baller - Jan 05 2012

Quote:I'm a vet cs player, and I like bhopping in minigames and bhop servers, but I don't like it in normal servers.
^-. I used to bhop, but I dislike doing it on anything now.

Might be the other Lamb that doesn't play CS anymore.

RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - helmut^ - Jan 05 2012

joker8baller Wrote:No.

Bunnyhopping is an unintended outcome of the game physics. It's technically an exploit, and shouldn't be allowed. Allowing bunnyhopping would also pave way to script users and that's not something I'd like to see.


RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - ruplayer - Jan 05 2012

Only moving faster when bhoping downhill on our servers, other then that running with knife is faster.(for me)

RE: Server Bunnyhopping Poll! You Vote. - BaNaNaMaN - Jan 05 2012

joker8baller Wrote:
Quote:I'm a vet cs player, and I like bhopping in minigames and bhop servers, but I don't like it in normal servers.
^-. I used to bhop, but I dislike doing it on anything now.

Might be the other Lamb that doesn't play CS anymore.
This lamb, I have him on my friends lists, he plays bf3 and tf2 now.