RE: Minigames - Cas Beep Beep Im A Jeep - Jul 23 2013
xXThatNubXx, post: 98482, member: 16818 Wrote:Haven't seen a map removal/addition request to the server rotation yet, so I would like to make some.
Removal Request
mg_bomberman_v1 - Interesting concept. However, there is a bug in the map where if you collect too much of those explosion power ups, you won't be able to throw bombs anymore, unless you gotten a new type of bomb power up. Since people don't listen or just hog all of the power ups to themselves doesn't make it a great map. Also, hasn't been nominated as much.
mg_ig_hellpick_v1 - Missing textures, bad lighting, glitchy areas, not fun minigames, considered one of the worst multigames, rarely nominated; I could go on with this one. As a first map, it's decent, but could really use some improvements.
mg_lucky_bastard_v4 - A nice concept, though there's a glitch where if you stand in the middle of the grounds when it picks which ground that'll will break, you can move to the ground that's been broken. Not exactly fun when at least half of the server knows and does it.
mg_terminator_v1_fix2 - Too small of a map when played with a high population, glitchy areas, hard to maneuver vehicles with little space, and barely nominated.
mg_wipeout2 - Interesting. I like the wipeout show, and it's unique that they made a map about it. It works fine on single player too. Multiplayer is a different story. One of the most glitchiest maps we have on the server rotation. The fact that you have to wait 3 minutes just for completing a single stage also doesn't make it a fun map to play on.
Addition Request
mg_YOLO_multigames_v1 - I haven't seen one of these multigames for awhile. Most of the minigames here require team effort, and working as a team will decide which team will win the minigame. Some creative minigames as well that we don't have in our server as well.
mg_SWAG_multigames_v1 - A very nice map that uses some creative ideas for a multigame. Also considered as the "sister" of the map above.
I'll add more if I could find some more.
Agree with the Removal but dear god what kind of fucking shit name is that for a map name...
RE: Minigames - Private Toast - Jul 30 2013
i think we should add some more new maps in