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Resolved demo of dos cade breaking - Printable Version

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demo of dos cade breaking [RESOLVED] - cheaplayer - Mar 14 2013

this has been going on for a while now. here is a demo of his work.
NAME: DOS,bakkaman, gibken.... he also uses other respetfull player name to think that it really the original player doing this.
STEAMID: STEAM_0:0:207125435
SEVERSadwL) zombiemod
Heres the Evidence: pic of active users http://www.mediafire.com/view/?idh4h2w6na7gxys and demo video

at about 5min and 35sec he gets killed and @ 6min 18sec i go back to him to spectate him and at 10min 52 sec he changes his name to who cares witch is another user that plays on this sever. to try and fool other user its who cares when it really isnt. this is why i am asking for admin or to find or place a admin on this sever.

RE: demo of dos cade breaking [RESOLVED] - M. Bison - Mar 15 2013


This has been taken care of.