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Denied Im Banned CrissChiu93 ID 240 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Im Banned CrissChiu93 ID 240 (/thread-10076.html)

Im Banned CrissChiu93 ID 240 [REJECTED] - CrissChiu93 - Mar 15 2013

I would ask a great excuse for throwing me banearon Friend varies flash 4 times and I regret such action would make the request if they could take my ban because their servers would like to play my name beforehand CrissChiu93 sorry forgive me and I hope I have cravings play their seridores thanks.
A certainly my steam id of the counter strike source folder is 240.
Please i need playing this servers.

RE: Im Banned CrissChiu93 ID 240 [REJECTED] - CrissChiu93 - Mar 15 2013

I would ask a great excuse for throwing me banearon Friend varies flash 4 times and I regret such action would make the request if they could take my ban because their servers would like to play my name beforehand CrissChiu93 sorry forgive me and I hope I have cravings play their seridores thanks.
A certainly my steam id of the counter strike source folder is 240.

RE: Im Banned CrissChiu93 ID 240 [REJECTED] - M. Bison - Mar 16 2013


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