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CD-KEY STEALER - Printable Version

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CD-KEY STEALER - FudgeMunk - Apr 02 2011

I wonder how many cdkeys jiggie/frost/monstrous/whoever the ***k they are have stolen.  Probably have a database full because they posted my friends in channel without being in game with him.  Starcraft is one sorry ass game these days.

If you arent getting drophacked for winning, you are getting dh'd for expressing your opinion.  If you piss off a hacker they'll stalk you or put you on some kinda blacklist program.

RE: CD-KEY STEALER - Eternal - Apr 02 2011

I havnt seen any of Frosts stupid dropping attempts in quite a while. And its not that the game is a sorry ass game its that Blizzard just don't really watch over it now a days : (

RE: CD-KEY STEALER - PaSS - Apr 02 2011

no kidding im thinking about helping blizzard by giving them the hacks to patch the errors