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calc1ferr hdk app - Printable Version

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calc1ferr hdk app - KEVINNNNNN - May 05 2013

I secretly know he wants to join you guys even when he says wow more hdk n******.
So im filling it your for you baby.
Name: John Rice/ca1c1ferr/KEVINNNNNN's sex slave
Division Applied For: Scrim cause ez pz faggots 24 rws bromontana
Steam id: STEAM_0:1:22614896
Age: Male
Sex: only with kevin
Occupation: Paintball field/being kevin's sex slave
Country or State of Residence: Lakeside, California
Hours of Availability: anytime
Are you currently a War-Lords Admin?: no
Do you plan on applying for War-Lords Admin?: no
Previous Counterstrike Experience: best fucking counterstrike player ever. fucking esea me bro
Previous Games Played: css
Previous League Experience: I'm banned from league for being 2good
Computer Specs: Manufacturer: Dell
Case: Antec
Power Supply: fuckin electricity
OS: Windows SEVEN
Motherboard: intel
CPU: intel i5 2.8ghz
Memory: 8gb
Hard Drive: 500gb
Video Card: GTX465
Headphones: Bose AE2's
Monitor: Dell 26
Mouse: Razer Deathadder
Mousepad: Razer Goliathus
Keyboard: Razer Blackwidow
Favorite Weapon: Every gun cause i'll fuck your ass up pretty boii
Favorite Map: doesn't matter. 24 rws bitch i'll ace every round every map ez pz lata gata.
http://play.esea.net/users/465360 heres my esea page. esea bro.
http://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/551368_10200146857495817_459385718_n.jpg heres a picture of me and my girlfriend. wtf are you fat assesdoing with your life. DO YOU EVEN FUCKING LIFT?
obv going to let me in hdk.

Double post

i love you john. I feel like a stalker. <3

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - pTK - May 05 2013

moved to appropriate section.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - KEVINNNNNN - May 05 2013

I dont see why it was moved. I'm being serious.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - pTK - May 05 2013

no no. I moved it because I couldn't respond to this without flaming u

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - KEVINNNNNN - May 05 2013

Quote:no no. I moved it because I couldn't respond to this without flaming u
seems like you have a problem. you're going to have to deal with john now. heads up he fucking lifts.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - pTK - May 05 2013

also, uve done such a good job of flaming calcifer already...

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - KEVINNNNNN - May 05 2013

Why would you think I'm flaming him?
He wants to join hdk but he doesn't want to admit it.
I admire calc1ferr <33333 he's my gay bromance.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - Neo//._. - May 05 2013

Shut up narnia.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - _RemiX - May 06 2013

This disgusts me.

RE: calc1ferr hdk app - ceddeeoo - May 06 2013
