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Denied kLEANFX's ban appeal - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied kLEANFX's ban appeal (/thread-10796.html)

kLEANFX's ban appeal [REJECTED] - [R] kLEANFX - Jun 06 2013

I just joined wL for the very first time, says perm banned please visit wl.net I don't understand... It'd be nice to be unbanned so I can pug with you guys.
STEAM ID :STEAM_0:1:7394457
REASON: I have no idea...
I believe it was a IP ban because i just got back on pc and im banned...
My name was : Reaction, banned for bhop scripts... It was a stupid ban and it's perm can I please appeal this.
Best Regards,

RE: kLEANFX's ban appeal [REJECTED] - Spartacus - Jun 06 2013

[R] kLEANFX, post: 94392, member: 17096 Wrote:
I just joined wL for the very first time, says perm banned please visit wl.net I don't understand.

You're lying.