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Resolved I'm sorry-please unban me - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved I'm sorry-please unban me (/thread-11192.html)

I'm sorry-please unban me [RESOLVED] - Ivan Teo - Jul 17 2013

[SIZE=12px]Name: (ivanteo)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]SteamID: ([/SIZE][SIZE=12px]0:0:1181017350)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]Server: (all warlord server)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12px]The in-game name used during the time of ban, [/SIZE][SIZE=12px]sorry it's being a long time not play CSS, can not remember[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12px]and i have installed a new copy of CSS.[/SIZE]

i have make a mistake previously and was banned
about more than a year ago.
please unban me.
i'm sorry for my action.
i will promise to behave in the game.
your kind understanding and approval will be
greatly appreciated.
thank you so much for your kindness.

Double post

please unban me Sad

RE: I'm sorry-please unban me [RESOLVED] - Spartacus - Jul 17 2013

Are you still banned? No permanent ban records with that Steam ID. Please wait for a root to respond if you're still banned.

RE: I'm sorry-please unban me [RESOLVED] - M. Bison - Jul 17 2013

Spartacus, post: 98452, member: 1060 Wrote:Are you still banned? No permanent ban records with that Steam ID.

RE: I'm sorry-please unban me [RESOLVED] - Ivan Teo - Jul 17 2013

Nvm. I'm not banned anymore.