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Denied Simple Ban Appeal - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Simple Ban Appeal (/thread-11402.html)

Simple Ban Appeal [REJECTED] - Samitsky - Aug 04 2013

Hello War-Lords!
In-game Name: Samitsky
STEAM ID: STEAM_0:0:7782788
Banned From: (wL) 24/7 Office [US]

I recently purchased this account from my friend after my other account was hacked.
He never told me it was banned from wL?? :'(

So I apologize for my friends actions and I hope you can understand and help me appeal this ban.


P.S. I will understand if you cannot appeal this ban. It's perfectly fine with me Big Grin

RE: Simple Ban Appeal [REJECTED] - M. Bison - Aug 05 2013