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Resolved Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] (/thread-11586.html)

Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper - Sep 02 2013

Name: Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper / Anonymouse
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:42482202
Server: Not sure about warlords asia, but all american servers. (mg/sniper/24/7dm)

I've been pretty stupid lately, running my mouth towards admins and other people. Which lead me to this ban.
With all honesty im truly sorry to target in particular, but also to anyone else i have been a nuisance to. I've played
with warlords for a long time now, and i have enjoyed every single bit of it. I have no real reason for doing this other than
i've been in a pretty bad mood lately :p.

So sorry to all of you.

Sorry. -Wilson

RE: Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Donut - Sep 02 2013

Wait so if you're banned then whos that other australian player claiming to be you?

RE: Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Matt - Sep 02 2013

Changed to a 1 month Comm ban.

RE: Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Sneaaaky Fucking Sniper - Sep 02 2013

Comm ? Smile, Sorry.

Double post

Donut, post: 101252, member: 16662 Wrote:Wait so if you're banned then whos that other australian player claiming to be you?
Wouldn't have a clue?

RE: Ban appeal [BAN CHANGED] - Masterful1 - Sep 02 2013

Communication. Matt changed your ban to where you can play, but will have no communication access. No chat. No mic.