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Applicantion Delthrox [DENIED] - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Applicantion Delthrox [DENIED] (/thread-11701.html)

Applicantion Delthrox [DENIED] - Delthrox - Sep 24 2013

-Name in game: My name ingame is delthrox, i played on the office for awhile

-Steam id:STEAM_0:1:28442134

-Age:Im 16, i know that the age requirement is 18, But I got interested in Night watch,

and i wanna show u guys that i am more mature than people on my age.

-Steam Groups you're in(if any, no benefits): I have alot, so i can't explain them, but,

if u guys are is interested in see what steam groups, then check my profile out Smile

-Why Night Watch: cause i seen alot of people on the office map, and im interested,

in getting apart of the community in night watch, have fun with the players,

and have some new people too play with over css Smile

-About yourself: Im 16 i played css in 2 years, and plays csgo, have played wow for awhile but,

it got boring, so i quited it now i use my time on css, and csgo i also plays battlefield on ps3

and mw3, So if u guys is interested, then give me a shot Wink

RE: Applicantion Delthrox [DENIED] - hey! - Sep 24 2013

We will evaluate your application and let you know in a few days! Thank you for your interest!

RE: Applicantion Delthrox [DENIED] - cucubelu - Sep 24 2013

Hey Delthrox, you are a skilled player, and I am sure you are mature. Unfortunately at this time we keep our members above 18 for numerous reasons, and it just the only rule we do not bend at this time.

I hope you can still be a valuable member of this community and keep growing with us, and play on the wL servers.
Thank you for your application and see you in game!