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CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Printable Version

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CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Riser - Dec 16 2013


I'll be going. Already found myself a team.

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Spartacus - Dec 17 2013

hoho chit just got real.

all the best!

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - ceddeeoo - Dec 17 2013

ahahaha those prizes are hilarious but they don't matter. looks like a lot of fun dude, good luck ! take some pictures and report back

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - _RemiX - Dec 17 2013

I charge 15% of all your winnings since I taught you everything u know.

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Riser - Dec 17 2013

_RemiX, post: 104722, member: 3519 Wrote:I charge 15% of all your winnings since I taught you everything u know.
After all you did make me play with you so we could get better at this game together early on right..

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - _RemiX - Dec 18 2013

More like I made u play me so u could get better. :-)

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Spartacus - Dec 19 2013

i still recalled the times you said the game suck.

RE: CSGO tournament in Malaysia - Call me when humans go extinct - Dec 31 2013