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Approved Ban appeal - Printable Version

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Ban appeal [APPROVED] - AwpsoLeet - Dec 17 2013

Name: AwpsoLeet
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:15446124
Server: wl 24/7 office

Banned, don't know what I did. Was not cheating, never have.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - ceddeeoo - Dec 17 2013

you were toggling walls or something else. Saw you a bunch peeking people you couldnt know were there specifically at them, and tracing, then took some demos.


RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - AwpsoLeet - Dec 17 2013

There is a very fine like between a wallhacker and just someone who knows a little bit how to play. Obviously I'm pretty decent at the game and some things look like walls. All I do is play off the radar and other teammates and I can hunt players down which can look like cheats. Sometimes players line up perfectly and sometimes they don't. For every corner I turn and there isn't a player no one cares but when there is and I'm zooming in really fast all the sudden I'm a cheater. Sound is another major key and I get that you guys have heard every response but I have played this game for years since 2007 and have played leagues all on this account no other account. This is my only account and I have never cheated on it nor do I want to. A lot of players in css know me and this name and I wouldn't want to ruin my image to just cheat and constantly get banned from servers. I do get banned the odd time mostly from inexperienced players/admins but then people that actually have an eye for wall hacks and just skill see otherwise. I watched those demo's and that IS just standard play when you know how to play. I agree some does look like walls but its not its just me putting myself in places where I have the upper hand and can kill players easily. Also some is just luck where I spot enemies by chance and it looks like a cheat, I absolutely promise I'm legit. I've been admin in multiple servers. I was admin trainer for n00bsalad. I was also their lead demo reviewer. I have a lot of experience in this game.

Anything I do has a thought process behind it. I hear a window break and then I KNOW a guy is in office or near there, so I CAN hunt them down and that looks like a wall hack to the average player. Or I spec a guy and see that he likes to camp tunnel in office, and then I go there and boom hs him, it once again LOOKS LIKE A WALL HACK but totally isn't. I check every single corner and if a guy is hiding in a corner it LOOKS LIKE I'm following him through the wall which I am NOT.

Reaction time is another big factor in my game. I can fire faster than close to anyone I play against because I am ALWAYS ready to spot an enemy, plus with sound, radar, team deaths and common sense, I can almost pin point where players quite literally have to be. It's a process of elimination.

Thanks for reading!

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - Riser - Dec 17 2013

Yeah, I'll check out the demos. I've played with you on Office didn't come off as a cheater to me.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - Croc - Dec 17 2013

The only one that could seem like hacking is the one with the smoke in garage (awpsoleet2, tick ~1650), but really, that's just smart playing to look outside of the smoke. A lot of these can easily be radar, like the other kill in garage (awpsoleet3, tick ~3200). These two clips could both easily be smart playing. The other clips don't seem one bit suspicious. In fact, in the fifth clip, he's killed by someone coming out of T Spawn that he could have avoided had he been wallhacking or whatever (awpsoleet5, tick ~3300).

I will admit, I was a bit surprised by the ban when it happened, so I was eager to see the evidence. I've played with Awpsoleet plenty, and yeah, he's kind-of absurdly good, but he never once came off as a hacker. Just a smart player, like any of the other players that frequently have 100 kill games. (Additionally, I've never had too much trouble doming Awp a few times a game Wink) Just my two cents. The fellow is fun to play with and I never thought he was a hacker, but I trust the admins to make the right choice, as they probably know more than I do about the game.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - ceddeeoo - Dec 18 2013

there is some super sketchy stuff in the first demo, but unfortunately my lag did not help much.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - nub-lenses - Dec 18 2013

I hope i am not over stepping my bounds with rule #7 of the ban appeal sticky but i feel like i have something valuable to contribute.

I played with Awpsoleet for multiple seasons of CAL and CEVO back when the game was more competitive. He was disputed a few times and always came up with demos, screenshots, whatever was required. He has over 3 thousand hours in CSS and has never been banned/caught cheating.

I would also like to mention that Awpsoleet is the best cs_office player i've seen which i think is due to the caliber of players seen on hostie servers (he's also really freaking good at d2). But he isn't exactly the GOD OF CSS on other maps, such as season, contra or something like that.

And the demos just show a player with decent game sense, sees garage is taken and scopes in to watch his back (awpsoleet2, tick ~1650). Good awpers scope where they can see and depend on their flick shot to kill a guy dumb enough to run thru a smoke. The rest of the demos make him look very pedestrian ~

Just my .02

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Dec 19 2013

The best two ticks are probably:


I'll need to give this another look later.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - AwpsoLeet - Dec 19 2013

I can explain each of those ticks. 2400 my teammate was just killed in there so I come around and fire but hit the wall. The lag in the demo doesn't help but the player clearly is in that room. Tick 4200 the lag in the demo doesn't actually show him standing there when I fire but when I came around that corner he was standing there clearly and then I fired and it was a hs which honestly is kinda lucky. Also cvvvv the player I killed there was going to the spot before and as well a lot of players play that corner or run by which I can spot and counter accordingly. Anyways thanks for taking the time to review this I appreciate it.

RE: Ban appeal [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Dec 19 2013

The evidence is inconclusive.