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Approved PUG ban - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Approved PUG ban (/thread-12400.html)

PUG ban [APPROVED] - Lukkyz - Jan 22 2014

Name: Buddha
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69181309
Server: All servers

>Joined the PUG #1 server for the first time because friends invited me.
>Started PUG.
>Finished PUG.
>Quit because it was bed time.
>Joined the next morning, "Permanently Banned: Multi-Hack"

RE: PUG ban [APPROVED] - RJU - Jan 22 2014

You have been banned for ban evasion.
Please wait for a root admin to look into this.

RE: PUG ban [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Jan 22 2014

The ban was removed.