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Resolved omg!im banned! - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Resolved omg!im banned! (/thread-12463.html)

omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Subhadip Bhunia - Jan 29 2014

plz plz help im banned.and i dont even know what friendly behave i did..... Sadfiring at the zombies is friendly? Sad

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Bert John - Jan 29 2014

Subhadip Bhunia, post: 106683, member: 17908 Wrote:plz plz help im banned.and i dont even know what friendly behave i did..... Sadfiring at the zombies is friendly? Sad
You were banned for playing friendlies, ive warned you & everyone every time i enter to not play friendlies, i explain what it is, and why to not do it. please read the rules, type motd or !motd in the server.

Be-friending the "Enemy". Human/zombie Refusing to kill one another is "Playing Friendlies".

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Subhadip Bhunia - Jan 29 2014

ohh ok now i have realized the cause of my ban.it was only for fun though........but was it really that much of mistake to give me ban of 1 day?at least you should have warned me............

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Bert John - Jan 29 2014

Subhadip Bhunia, post: 106685, member: 17908 Wrote:ohh ok now i have realized the cause of my ban.it was only for fun though........but was it really that much of mistake to give me ban of 1 day?at least you should have warned me............

The Warning is right on the MOTD, The Server players themselves tell each other to not play friendlies, Playing friendlies is a serious offence in this server, Everyone "playing friendlies" receives a one day ban, please do not think you are the only one in this situation.

Multiple ban's have been handed out to people you may know, such as Hardy, Monster, DJ from french, Noob.I.SerialKiller, -U-/-A-/AgainstTheGod's & The list goes on.
[Sorry if this seems a bit rude, not in a great attitude atm, but please, don't think your the only one who has received a day ban for doing this offence, it's only fair to all that everyone receives the same length of ban.].

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Subhadip Bhunia - Jan 29 2014

lots of thnx for your suggestion........and i appreciate that.... and i would be really greatfull if unban me as it was my 1st time...
plz unban me.....

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - RJU - Jan 29 2014

Subhadip Bhunia, post: 106687, member: 17908 Wrote:lots of thnx for your suggestion........and i appreciate that.... and i would be really greatfull if unban me as it was my 1st time...
plz unban me.....
You broke the rules. Wait out your ban.

RE: omg!im banned! [CLOSED] - Subhadip Bhunia - Jan 29 2014

RJU, post: 106691, member: 17557 Wrote:You broke the rules. Wait out your ban.
yeah yeah i know its really a big deal for u guyz.......forget it and my request also.