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H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - Introduction - Printable Version

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H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - Introduction - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - Feb 02 2014

Hey guys, I am H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ (though I go by just H0ok3r™ these days). You can see my Steam profile here.

I've been playing CS:S on and off for some years now, and always find myself drawn back to it even if I haven't played in a long time. Great game! You'll mostly catch me playing on the 24/7 Dust2 DM server, though I play a bit on some of the other servers, too.

I have been in a couple clans (Not A Clan & Mature Gaming) and on one comp team (Zero Point Gaming). These days I play with the clan tag [[SoySauce]], but it's not actually a clan; I just wanted to use the tag. I've played in the TWL 5v5 and 3v3 pistols ladders, and a few seasons in CAL-O... until it died. I miss playing comp leagues/scrimming Sad...

The only other game I've played recently aside from CS:S is Grepolis (a browser-based MMO strategy game). Playing one world from start to finish took a little over a year... but all the time and effort payed off when my alliance secured the win. I've since decided to quit that game, though, as I was spending way too much time on it (playing the game itself, doing admin/forum mod stuff, diplomacy, strategizing, managing players, etc...).

I'm into dubstep, and I'm always listening to it as I play. Check out my SoundCloud profile if you want to hear some sick bass! See you in-game.