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CSS Problem - Anubis - May 03 2011

Has anyone else experienced the problem I've described below? I've been looking for a solution, but have yet to find anything of use.

Instance #1: I walk into an open area, can clearly see there is no one there, and suddenly I am fired upon by one or more enemy players. I can see the flashes, bullets, etc. but am unable to see the players until either I am dead or one of them is killed. At which time, all of the enemies in that area become visible.

Instance #2: I look at an enemy, can clearly see them. I then turn the corner, wait a second, turn back, only to find that the enemy is no longer there. Maybe they ran away? Wrong -- they're still standing there, gunfire can be observed as described above and they immediately become visible as soon as I am dead.

I have reset all the settings I could find, reinstalled the game, etc. This problem didn't start happening until after the wonderful update provided by Steam a few weeks ago. As far as I can tell this doesn't seem to be related to a particular Internet connection and also doesn't seem to be related to a particular map.

As a side problem, I am also still "seeing" teammates after they've left the game. Sometimes I see their actual bodies (standing, gun in hand), but other times I see them on the radar. As a bonus, sometimes I see people who were never in the game at all. Any ideas on this as well?

RE: CSS Problem - Anonymous - May 03 2011

sometimes I run somewhere and get shot by nobody, when I see camera of the guy that killed me, I see him at his spawn, like he just got respawned, but his body moves, makes turns, running, but not moving from spawn....It's a game lag that I have.

RE: CSS Problem - M. Bison - May 03 2011

I think it might actually be a issue with one of the valve updates... :/

RE: CSS Problem - Matt - May 03 2011

I can't say I've experienced this. I remember you saying in game about still seeing people that have left. I wonder if this could be related to gameme bugging out; still thinking people are in the server.

RE: CSS Problem - iArvee - May 03 2011

I have the same problem as ruplayer. Sometimes I think they're just standing there, empty a clip on them and nothing happens. A few minutes/seconds later, they kill me.

RE: CSS Problem - Anubis - May 03 2011

So far it seems to be getting progressively worse -- a day or so ago there were at least 5 enemy players that were "invisible" in the most open area of site B on de_dust2.

Possibly a graphics issue? I think the game's set to OpenGL now (or whichever the default is) at maximum resolution, full screen. Any ideas on this?

RE: CSS Problem - M. Bison - May 04 2011

I've sort of seen the same thing, players will appear on the radar even though they've left. It could be the result of me not showing connect/disconnect messages. O_O

RE: CSS Problem - PaSS - May 05 2011

i say use this to ur advantage thats pretty legit

RE: CSS Problem - The Witch King - May 11 2011

i have experienced both instances