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Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Printable Version

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Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Black Blood - May 06 2014

I would love to see the removal of deagles/ handguns from the sniper server. (There is only a certain few maps which have deagles/handguns).I have withness people complaining about people just running around aimlessly with their deagles/ handguns.

1. It kinda Defeats the point of a "Sniper Server"
2. Just causes a massive chaos espically with 10 vs 10. 20 people spamming their deagles on a small sniper map!!

Maybe Consider the removal of deagles/ handguns from the sniper server? Would love to see this happen. Thanks Smile

-Black Blood

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Matt - May 07 2014

This was asked a long time ago if I recall. The general consensus was to keep the maps the way the developers originally intended them to be played.

But these things are always up for debate, if people now want them removed it's easily enough to do.

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Black Blood - May 10 2014

I Got riser backing soo we should remove it Big Grin Am i right riser Tongue

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - RJU - May 11 2014

Or.... just make it so admins can restrict them and then they can do votes to remove them. I personally like them on some maps but other maps I don't so that way it'd benefit both sides. Big Grin

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - May 11 2014

Pistols are nice when you're on a map you don't like :p.

I agree though, it would be better without them. I'd actually prefer a pistol with 0 ammo, cuz for some reason I feel like quick-switching between Deag and AWP/Scout is faster/smoother than with knife. I have no evidence to support whether or not that's true, but it feels like it to me.

Matt, post: 110217, member: 178 Wrote:This was asked a long time ago if I recall. The general consensus was to keep the maps the way the developers originally intended them to be played.

I think that's a good way to go about it in principle.. but just because the developers designed them with pistols doesn't mean that's the best way to play them :p

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Riser - May 22 2014

About 70% of the rounds, players were using their pistols when I played yesterday.

Double post

Riser: instead of deags
Riser: give players grenades
Riser: on snipers
Riser: that way even if they do leg them, they can use the nade

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - May 23 2014

Having played on the Sniper server a bit more over the last few days, I have to say, the pistols thing is pretty damn annoying. Kids just bum rush you with their deag out, and once one or two people start doing that, everyone else starts in on it too... might as well call it a Pistols Only server at that point. -_-

Also, I think there are waaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy too many maps on the server. Do we really play all of them? Do people like the obscure ones? Looking through the map list, I only see ~2-3 dozen that I'm actually familiar with... and when we go to maps I'm not familiar with, more often than not they are terrible. I'd vote for just removing a bunch of the maps no one likes to clear up the map list a bit. Not really a big issue, just a thought.

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - maambaaa - Jun 08 2014

You should make them vote for deagle .

Double post

My name is juan .

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - Jul 04 2014

I've been kicking people who ONLY use deag lately. I don't mind if people use it at close range, but soooooo many people just run around the map with their deags out... they're not even TRYING to snipe. I always warn beforehand, of course.

Also, would it be possible to allow users to pick between AWP and Scout on all maps? That would be cool.

edit: This is a pretty high Yes:No ratio on the voting...

RE: Some Changes to the Sniper Server? - Call me when humans go extinct - Jul 04 2014

I think we should remove those cheap ass kinives.