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Random convo - Printable Version

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Random convo - Riser - May 16 2014

Saturday, May 17, 2014
Riser of HDK: whos this
Butt Stallion: I added u so we could play some time
Riser of HDK: howd you find me tho
Butt Stallion: idk i was lookign at friend
Butt Stallion: then saw my friend's friend
Butt Stallion: then went one
Butt Stallion: ended up on u
Butt Stallion: so?
Riser of HDK: eh?
Riser of HDK: what do you mean
Butt Stallion: I just randomly found u
Butt Stallion: by looking at friendlists
Riser of HDK: ok, i cant do much about it
Riser of HDK: lol
Butt Stallion: ok...
Butt Stallion: This is getting weird
Butt Stallion: I WANT
Butt Stallion: OK
Riser of HDK: jk, i dont play csgo anymor
Riser of HDK: so yeah
Butt Stallion: why u quit
Butt Stallion: are u french
Riser of HDK: no
Riser of HDK: did you not read my profile
Riser of HDK: im asian
Riser of HDK: jesus
Butt Stallion: It was a joke
Butt Stallion: Because French surrender at wars
Butt Stallion: ....
Riser of HDK: well
Riser of HDK: im too stupid to know that
Riser of HDK: so yeah
Butt Stallion: You are not stupid
Butt Stallion: I bet you know stuff
Butt Stallion: Like tentacles
Butt Stallion: or idk
Riser of HDK: yeah i know a lot about testicles
Butt Stallion: You will appreciate this
Butt Stallion: [video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=8Iz0WWkd-WQ[/video]
Riser of HDK: DAFUK am i watching
Riser of HDK: [video=youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=JXxvc8BSYv4[/video]
Riser of HDK: something you might appriciate
Butt Stallion: I sent you awesome pedo asian dancing with kids
Butt Stallion: and you send me normal music
Riser of HDK: you know me
Riser of HDK: how you know me

RE: Random convo - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - May 16 2014

Riser, post: 110428, member: 992 Wrote:Butt Stallion: why u quit
Butt Stallion: are u french
I lold. Who adds random people on steam though? I didn't know that was a thing..

RE: Random convo - henry - May 17 2014

dear god why the hell did I decide to watch that first video

just noticed on that second video at 1:30, the girl on the right is fixing her shoe, obviously this video must've been irritating them

RE: Random convo - Black Blood - May 17 2014

O dear riser.....

RE: Random convo - KuYa - May 18 2014

yawn...... boring

RE: Random convo - H0ok3r w A P3n1s™ - May 18 2014

pppfffffffffffffffff lol
