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Temp ban bug? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Temp ban bug? (/thread-14137.html)

Temp ban bug? - frawg - May 29 2014

I was in your server at roughly 9:10 pm GMT +8. I was kicked twice. Second time said "Disconnect: RQ". I tried to immediately enter the server, it said I was banned for a day for leaving without sub.

A moment later I could enter the game and the match has already started.


RE: Temp ban bug? - Riser - May 29 2014

I passed the message on to our root admin, in the being time I'll unban you.

RE: Temp ban bug? - frawg - May 30 2014

Thanks. Another thing I would add is that for the first kick.
I typed .sub to indicate I wanted to sub leavers. But shortly later, I figured I just wanna enjoy watching them play, so I typed .sub again to indicate I no longer want to be a sub. Some one disconnected a while later but reconnected. And shortly after, I got the first kick.