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Approved NSFW Appeal - Printable Version

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NSFW Appeal [APPROVED] - namrats - Jun 07 2014

Name - NSFW
ID: STEAM_0:0:46508496
Server - All

Hello, I was just recently banned from pug 2 while in the warmup map.

Not sure why this occurred. At the time I was banned, I had bound mouse wheel down to fire, and using mouse wheel up to jump, so I was jumping around and shooting simultaneously. Using the m4 I killed an afk with 2 shots to the head while jumping, and I was banned like 2 seconds after that, so I'm not sure if any of it is related. I'm playing on mostly default settings.

Just looking for information I guess and if it's possible to be unbanned as I prefer playing in scrims rather than pubs.

RE: NSFW Appeal [APPROVED] - M. Bison - Jun 10 2014

The ban has been removed.