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Denied Streaks Admin Application for WL - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Denied Streaks Admin Application for WL (/thread-14329.html)

Streaks Admin Application for WL [REJECTED] - Streak :} - Jul 08 2014

Name: Streak

Steam id: STEAM_0:1:59985527

Timezone: Eastern Standard Time

Availability: Everyday

About Myself: I am in 11th grade my birthday is July 12th and i love soccer Smile

Age: 16

Reason for app: I see a lot of delayers and people just not following rules and when i am on no other admin is really on and i figured i can try to get admin to kinda fix that.

RE: Streaks Admin Application for WL [REJECTED] - Riser - Jul 08 2014


RE: Streaks Admin Application for WL [REJECTED] - Streak :} - Jul 08 2014


Double post


RE: Streaks Admin Application for WL [REJECTED] - Alina - Jul 09 2014

Good luck! Delayers, ahhh so many. Especially on Jacs knife :|

RE: Streaks Admin Application for WL [REJECTED] - Riser - Jul 10 2014


We're going to have to reject this app for now. Cya in game and do stick around on the forums!